

Kaypro got its name from Andrew Kay. Kaypro was formerly called Non-Linear Systems. In 1953, Andrew Kay, an electrical engineer from MIT, founded Non-Linear Systems (NLS) company. NLS was involved in research and development of non-linear electronic and mechanical systems.

Non-Linear Systems changed its name to "Kaypro" in 1982. In 1982, the "Kaycomp II" computer was introduced, designed to compete with the popular Osborne portable microcomputer. The Kaycomp weighed about 29 pounds, and ran the CP/M operating system. It sold for about $1,795.00. In 1982, the Kaypro was introduced.

In 1983, Kaypro released the successor to its first computer, the Kaypro 2x. The Kaypro II used the Z80Z, 8-bit processor and CP/M. It cost $1,295.


Set up a new disk with CPM:

Issue copy command and choose option B.

To copy files:


in this case you are copying FILE.BAS from drive A and writing it to drive B

Creating basic programs. After loading MBASIC, just start typing in the program with line numbers. Edit any line number by just retyping it with the same line number. List the program with the command LIST. Save the program to disk by typing: SAVE “FILE.BAS”.


First turn on RS232 modem, then the Kaypro


choose 1200



should show that you are connected

(If you are not connected issue the AT+CONFIG command. Just type in the title for each entry and the program will query you for each entry.)

When ready to transfer files, issue the command ATB9600. Nothing will happen, which is fine. Warm boot it (I always have to reboot) and go back to BAUDM and choose 9600.

For BBS only use 1200 baud!

To get lsx to work you have to compile the lrzsz package from:


First file copy.

You need to put Kaypro down to 300 baud. First issue Term command, then in Baudm

Then you can use the MODEM.BAS program to copy a file over.



On Kaypro issue the command ATAT23 to open telnet.

On your computer issue the command

lsx --tcp-client --binary k1kerm11.lbr

(you will have to compile the lrzsz program from: https://ohse.de/uwe/software/lrzsz.html)

Then on the Kaypro issue the command ATA, then hit CTRL+E and enter the file name to be written to the disk.

On linux use the unar command to unpack .LBR files.

Get KERMIT.COM onto the Kaypro and copying will be MUCH SIMPLER!

On Linux install ckermit, but the command is just kermit. I had to use a package from Debian Stretch.

Now run KAYER.COM on Kaypro, kermit on Linux.

On Linux issue command: telnet

On Kaypro: CONNECT, then ATA, then C+\ and C, then RECEIVE

On Linux issue also C+\ C and then you can SEND [filename] to the Kaypro